Shaken, Stirred and Savoured: The Perfect Martini with Kayla Reid

Shaken, Stirred and Savoured: The Perfect Martini with Kayla Reid

The phrase that changed everything - "Shaken; not stirred". Making waves as a consultant and slinging cocktails at the infamous Black Pearl cocktail bar in Melbourne, Kayla Reid, "a huge martini drinker" herself, brings her extensive hospitality experience into the studio this week to discuss the finesse and delicacies of the perfect martini with Lachlan. From the origins of this timeless cocktail to modern twists and variations, join them as they uncover the secrets to crafting a drink that transcends mere mixology, becoming a true culinary experience. So grab your favourite gin or vodka, add a dash of vermouth and your garnish of choice and cheers us once again!

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